Health Equity
Feb 25, 2025
Dr. Ashley Rawlins, PT, DPT
3 min
If you're reading this post, you probably know enough to be outraged: Despite its resources, the U.S. has the highest maternal mortality rate in the developed world. Black birthing people are dying at 3-4 times the rate of white birthing people. Black advocates and healthcare providers have been sounding the alarm for decades — most of these deaths can be prevented if we give this issue the attention and resources it deserves.
On the bright side, the U.S. federal government is finally waking up to this issue — see Biden's latest statement here — and some changes are being made. One of the biggest advancements in the fight for maternal health equity comes in the form of the groundbreaking Black Maternal Health Momnibus Act.
What exactly does this Act encompass? What has it achieved so far? We’re getting into it all below.
The Black Maternal Health Momnibus Act was first introduced on March 9, 2020 (just before the COVID pandemic took hold) by the Black Maternal Health Caucus — an initiative launched by Congresspeople Alma Adams (North Carolina) and Lauren Underwood (Illinois) in April 2019.
The Momnibus Act, which has since been co-sponsored by dozens of members in the House of Representatives and the Senate, began with nine bills aimed to improve health outcomes for Black birthing people before reemerging in February 2021 with 12 bills supporting investment in:
(Get a full breakdown of the proposed bills here.)
The 2021 iteration of the Momnibus Act is still in the first stages of the legislative process. Proponents are making strategic decisions to get the Act’s provisions through the Senate.
One of the Act’s bills, the Protecting Moms Who Served Act, was reintroduced by Senator Tammy Duckworth and signed into law on November 30, 2021. This law puts $15 million toward boosting maternity care for military veterans. The remainder of the outlined objectives were included in the initial draft of President Biden’s Build Back Better Act.
While Build Back Better has hit major obstacles, the initial inclusion of the Mominibus initiatives signals a growing focus of Biden’s administration to overcome this pressing issue. One major milestone in combating maternal health disparities was the March 2021 passing of the American Rescue Plan, which allows states to extend Medicaid coverage for birthing people to 12 months postpartum. (How this fits in: Almost half of the Black population in the U.S. relies on Medicaid or public health insurance.)
In October 2021, California’s Governor Gavin Newsom signed the California Momnibus Act into law. To our knowledge, no other local Momnibus Acts have been passed yet (though local legislators have campaigned for the passing of the federal act).
(For a *very fun* refresher on the bill-to-law process, we recommend a rewatch of Schoolhouse Rocks’ “I’m Just a Bill.”)
The Black Maternal Health Caucus continues to push for legislation that improves Black maternal health outcomes (either as the Momnibus Act on its own, or in the next version of Build Back Better Act, if that comes together anytime soon). It also highlights and celebrates initiatives from private and public sectors that do the same.
Keep tabs on the Caucus and others’ progress by following them on Twitter.
The Black Maternal Health Caucus urges people who want to help pass Momnibus bills to:
Follow the Black Maternal Health Caucus on Twitter for the latest updates.