10 Good Reasons to Try Virtual Physical Therapy
If you’ve been to physical therapy before, you know that communication and education are everything, which is why virtual physical therapy is so effective. In a virtual visit, you and your PT can discuss your symptoms, health history, anatomy — just like you would in an in-person appointment. Visual assessments are easy, provided your camera allows for a head-to-toe view. And, if a pelvic exam is needed, your PT can instruct you on how to give yourself one offline.
“I love being able to support patients with virtual physical therapy," says Origin PT Dr. Ashley Rawlins. "Not only do I usually get to meet their children and their dogs, but I get to see them in their usual environments which is a huge advantage when creating the best plan to help work towards their treatment goals.”
Here are 10 more reasons why virtual therapy is ideal, especially if you’re pregnant or postpartum:
- Because getting out the door can feel like an obstacle course crossed with a treasure hunt. Where is my bag — no, my other bag? How can there not be one clean mask? Will someone get this dog out from under my feet?
- Because even though you love listening to murder podcasts while you drive, you have better things to do than sit in traffic and fuel your worst-case-scenario thinking.
- Because it’s amazing when you can spin your camera around to show exactly how your home office is wreaking havoc on your neck, wrist, and lower back.
- Because you never know when your babysitter or nanny will be quarantining AGAIN. While it isn’t ideal to have a little one commanding your attention during PT, we can always accommodate little — or not so little — cuties.
- Because you’re the kind of person who likes to learn how to do things for yourself. When you learn to self-administer manual therapy, you can take better care of yourself forever.
- Because skipping the commute will give you extra time in the bathroom. (Use a stool to elevate your knees above your hips, breathe deep, and relax those pelvic floor muscles!)
- Because you get a little drained from interacting with people these days, so the 1:1 of virtual PT feels infinitely more relaxing.
- Because you can sign onto a Zoom from anywhere, including a supply closet — or, if you’re lucky, a dedicated pumping room — at work.
- Because how quickly you get results is linked to how consistently you see your PT and stick to your treatment plan. The convenience of virtual physical therapy makes it even easier to follow through.
- Because just like in-person visits at Origin, virtual visits are (YES!) covered by most insurance plans.