Carine Carmy
CEO & Co-founder
Carine is Co-Founder and CEO at Origin. She has focused her career on increasing access to products and services that unlock human potential, from consumer healthcare to 3D printing. Carine's passion for women's health started in her early twenties, when she experienced painful sex for years and was unable to find treatment that worked. She is honored to be able to work at the forefront of a major cultural shift to help women feel their best.
Before Origin, Carine was VP Sales and Marketing at Amino, the leading platform for healthcare financial wellness. She also served as VP of Marketing at Shapeways, the leading 3D printing service that enables individuals to make, buy and sell custom products. She started her career in management consulting at Monitor Deloitte, and in 2009, helped found Marketspace, a boutique digital strategy firm spun out of Monitor alongside the former president of CBS News and the leading e-commerce professor from HBS.
Carine is an avid writer and has been published in MIT Technology Review, Forbes, Ad Age, and PSFK and regularly contributes to Medium. She's a nonprofit advisor, passionate about diversity and economic equality, and she manages a community of startup growth leaders. A graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, she's conducted research on science, technology, and economic trends for The Milken Institute and Center for Bioethics at Penn.
When she's not heads down trying to change the standard of care for women, you'll find Carine running outside, writing poetry, or throwing a dinner party with her husband.